


通常由博物馆工作人员带领, skill-building exercises hone students' observational, 分析, 写作能力. Designed to meet a professor's specific objectives, the sessions do not require previous familiarity with specific objects, but instead provide a framework for independent observation and 分析. Skills transfer to work in other disciplines that require observation, 精读, 或者第一手资料研究. Observation and 分析 exercises can be folded into other assignments, or can become the basis for 研究 or creative projects.


Facilitated by Museum staff and/or by the course professor, students are tasked with reframing their understandings of course content in relation to the new stimulus provided by the Museum experience. Sometimes there is a direct link between the content of the exhibition and the course topic; other times the students must work to make the connections.


与博物馆工作人员合作设计, Museum-based assignments may include elements of observation, 分析, 研究, 批判, 或者创造性反应. Examples include (but are not limited to): providing a mathematical equation to describe the trajectory of an object photographed in motion; describing an artwork in a second language; analyzing the ways in which landscape paintings from multiple eras reveal beliefs about the environment; or creating a poetic, 文学, 或者对展出艺术品的动觉反应.


A more complex variation on the museum-based assignment, these projects involve students directly in public museum exhibitions. Often the assignment comprises a significant portion of the work within a course. Interventions may include: writing object labels or brochure copy, 为展会制作相关视频内容, 公开分享创造性的回应, 比如跳舞, 诗歌, or monologs; and offering alternative tours of exhibitions.


博物馆的藏品超过22件,000个对象, with rich holdings in American Art; Modern and Contemporary Art; and historical and contemporary art and cultural objects from the Southwest region. 提前通知和计划, Museum staff will provide tours of collections storage for classes and will make specific objects available for study within class sessions or for 研究 by individual students within an approved course. 学生 may be trained in basic objects handling under the supervision of Museum staff and the course professor.

畅通无阻的 画廊

This teaching and exhibition space within the Museum is available to faculty in all disciplines who wish to build sustained engagement with material and visual culture into a Block course. 畅通无阻的 画廊 projects may include: mini-exhibitions of objects pulled from the Museum's permanent collection; student 研究 and/或者创造性反应 to objects; iterative displays wherein objects may be re-ordered or reinterpreted to create new curatorial narratives, or student 研究 is continually added and modified; or the creation of a gallery/laboratory setting in which 研究 on the composition, 历史, or condition of objects is conducted and information shared with the public.


The Museum provides selected opportunities for faculty to work with Museum staff to curate exhibitions that originate from their own 研究 and/or connect deeply with one or more courses taught during the exhibition.


The Museum supports faculty development by offering both single-topic workshops and a semester-long faculty cohort. 与皇冠中心合作提供, these workshops address the Museum in relation to specific learning goals. 视觉文化教师学习社区 是一个学期的系列研讨会吗, 讨论, and work sessions designed to inspire and support meaningful interdisciplinary connections between material cultures and the College curriculum. This application-based program is open to full-time faculty in all disciplines.


Awarded through a proposal process on a yearly basis, 教师 Fellows 进行研究 or work on projects that take advantage of the possibilities of the Museum and the Southwest collection for 研究 and teaching. Desired components include: interdisciplinary approaches and topics; a collaborative approach to project development; incorporation of diverse perspectives; use of innovative pedagogies; and experiential course components.


教师 whose courses involve sustained engagement with the Museum may apply to use the Museum classroom for a Block course.


The 美术中心 Museum offers a variety of internships and volunteer opportunities for students during the summer and throughout the academic year.


The Museum brings artists and scholars from the region and from around the world to share artwork, 进行研究, 执行, 讲座, 和学生交流. 访客通常可以访问课程, 对艺术或学术作品进行评论, 或者和学生一起做合作项目. Museum staff can assist in coordinating these kinds of engagements.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 12/17/2020