Re搜索 和 Scholarship

各种办公室、部门、项目和委员会支持教师的研究和发展. 以下概述旨在帮助教师提前计划内部资助机会. 教师在提交申请前应等待征求建议书的通知.

College-wide Conference Travel

学院为所有全职和兼职教师每年参加一次会议提供支持. The Dean's Office will fund a flat $1,600美元用于在全国会议上演讲的费用,750美元用于参加全国会议的费用. Each spring, the departmental assistants collect faculty requests. 各分区执行委员会接受支持第二次会议的请求.

Divisional Funding

Each of the three divisions has approximately $80,000 to allocate for their faculty's re搜索 和 development. Generally, proposals are accepted early in the academic year for re搜索 & 将在该学年或下一个夏天进行的发展活动. 通常情况下,这一呼吁是在秋季通过电子邮件发出的,截止日期在第3块的开始.

Summer Re搜索 奖助金

学院支持多项夏季研究和奖学金,包括Mrachek奖学金计划和DOF夏季研究补助金. These grants provide $4800 to underwrite scholarly travel, 设备, 书, or other similar expenses 和 have different eligibility requirements. 通常,在Block 6中通过电子邮件发出呼叫,在Block 7中截止日期.

教师-Student Collaborative Re搜索 奖助金

资助那些让学生参与研究活动并为学生提供本科生第一手研究经验的教师. The grant pays $5400 to the students for a nine-week commitment. 教师 mentors receive up to $500 for re搜索 expenses. 通常,在Block 5中通过电子邮件发出呼叫,在Block 6中截止日期.

The Asian Studies Program

院长办公室和亚洲研究项目为参加各种与亚洲有关的活动的赌博正规的十大网站教员设立了一个研究基金. Through the terms of the Gaylord Endowment for Pacific Areas Studies, 教务处和亚洲研究计划支持在或有关太平洋国家/地区的项目. 通常, the call is issued via email 和 in the faculty digest in Block 2, with the deadline in Block 3. 在春假临近或期间,第六区通常会有第二个电话. In both fall 和 spring, after reviewing proposals, 资助建议由亚洲研究特设教务委员会提出, but these decisions are then finalized through the Dean's office. 如果有任何问题,请随时发邮件给亚洲研究项目主任.

Re搜索 Development Blocks

每年秋季, tenure-track faculty, 讲师, 和常规, 兼职教师应院长邀请申请下一学年的教师发展项目. 释放时间块是为了支持教师研究和奖学金. Approximately four to six are awarded each year. 通常,在区块1中通过电子邮件发出呼叫,在区块2中发出截止日期.

Sabbatical Support

每年初秋, 学院院长将邀请符合条件的教师在下一学年申请休假. Proposals will be reviewed by the 教师 Re搜索 和 Development Board. 教师可以选择全年或半年的休假——8个休假期,工资为5/9,或4个休假期,工资为全薪. 通常,在区块1中通过电子邮件发出呼叫,在区块2中发出截止日期.

Crown Manuscript Workshops

皇冠学院中心提供了许多倡议,以支持和促进CC的生产性奖学金. 手稿研讨会汇集了一名CC教师和最多三名各自领域的专家,进行为期两天的密集研讨会,讨论和修改教师的手稿. 通常,在区块5中通过电子邮件发出呼叫,截止日期在区块7的开始.

Jackson Fellowship

Named for Helen Jackson, the gr和niece of Helen Hunt Jackson, 杰克逊奖学金为赌博正规的十大网站的教师提供支持,以西南内容为主题的奖学金或课程开发. The program is funded by the Helen Jackson 和 William S. Jackson Family Endowment. The call is typically issued via email in Block 5 with a deadline in Block 6.

The SEGway Program

The SEGway Program ("Spurring/Supporting 外部资助") is designed to position faculty to be more competitive for external funding; to assist faculty who have been awarded external grants, often through required or voluntary matching grants; 和 to invest in the College's re搜索 environment. 资金决定由SEGway委员会做出,该委员会由每个部门代表. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

Sheffer基金 for Roman Catholic Studies

保罗·弗雷德里克·谢弗罗马天主教研究基金为学生和教师的旅行/学习和社会正义项目提供资助, provides library materials, funds internships with Roman Catholic agencies of community service, 和 supports visiting 讲师 和 block visitors. A portion of the fund is administered by the Department of Religion 支持宗教教师和学生的项目与他们在部门的工作有关. 该基金的其余部分由教务长办公室在教务处的帮助下管理 Sheffer基金 Advisory Committee. The committee has representatives from the Religion Department, faculty outside of the Religion Department, 学生群体, the Colorado Springs Diocese, 和 the Chaplain of the College. 谢弗基金咨询委员会(Sheffer基金 Advisory Committee)每年有六个截止日期:第2街区的第一个周一, 3, 4, 5, 下午5点6个.m.

Student Re搜索 Funding from Natural Sciences Executive Committee

通常 in Block 6, 自然科学执行委员会向教师征集Taber基金(500美元用于学生会议差旅费)的提案。, the Lindeman Fund (student re搜索 fellowship in chemistry or physics), 迪勒基金(为希望在STEM领域从事中等教育的学生提供研究奖学金). The deadline is typically in early Block 7.

Figge-Bourquin Summer Re搜索 Award

菲格和布尔昆捐赠基金致力于支持计划从事医学职业的学生.e., pre-health students) or those who are furthering the medical disciplines. 并非每个研究项目都必须是医学性质的,因为在其他领域的研究经验对预科生是有益的. 通常, 该呼吁由Block 5的卫生专业咨询委员会通过电子邮件发出, with the deadline in Block 6.

Kresge Science Initiative Fund

The Kresge Science Initiative Fund supports the replacement of science 设备, 新设备, 和, to a limited extent, the maintenance of 设备. Chairs of the Natural Science 部门, including Chemistry, 地质, 数学, 和 Computer Science, Molecular Biology, Organismal Biology 和 Ecology, 物理, 心理学和神经科学被邀请向院长办公室提交提案. 通常, the call is issued via email in Block 3, with the deadline in Block 4. Contact Dale Willson, Assistant to the Dean of 教师, for more information.

报告问题 - 最后更新: 07/11/2024